
Наша летняя программа здесь!

Наша благотворительная организация Flottafólk рада представить свое летнее расписание для детей и подростков. У нас есть футбольный курс с украинскими тренерами, музыкальный курс для самых маленьких и скаутский курс для детей и подростков. Нас интересует количество участников для каждого курса. Пожалуйста, прокомментируйте ниже «Футбол +1» / «Музыка +1» / «Скауты +1» (+1 = количество посещающих детей)

На этой неделе мы будем продвигать каждое событие отдельно. Как всегда, наш Детский центр на Хатуне 2 открыт с понедельника по пятницу с 10:00 до 15:00, где дети могут играть и получать завтрак, обед и послеобеденный кофе.

Наш объект в Нескиркья также открыт, как обычно, где вы можете получить одежду, получить доступ к компьютерам и встретиться с украинцами или волонтерами, которые здесь, чтобы помочь.

Ваш общественный центр G8 по адресу Aflagrandi 40 снова открывается после лета с прекрасной повесткой дня для всех.

Наша летняя программа здесь! Читать дальше »

17. júńi 2022 kl. 16

Playtime for kids on Iceland’s National Holiday

Kidarchy (Krakkaveldi) would like to invite Ukrainian children of all ages to come and play games with them on June 17th at Iðnó theater in Vonarstræti 3, downtown Reykjavík. The invitation is part of their takeover at Iðnó theater as part of the Reykjavík Arts Festival Programme of 2022.

Kidachy is a group of kids aged 7-13 who are organizing a whole day of fun and happenings as part of the Reykjavík Arts Festival Programme of 2022. The kids have been discussing how they can show support for the children who have had to flee Ukraine from war, and came up with the idea to have an hour of fun and games together to connect with them and make new friends. We hope the children and their parents will accept the kids’ invitation to come and have fun with us on June 17th, which is the Icelandic National Day! The games will be taking place inside the Iðnó theater from 16-17.


When: June 17th from 16:00-17:00

Where: Iðnó, Vonarstræti 3, downtown Reykjavík

Playtime for kids on Iceland’s National Holiday Читать дальше »

«Энканто» Диснея на украинском языке — День кино, 1 июня

Приглашаем посмотреть диснеевский мультфильм «Энканто» на украинском языке 1 июня в 17:00 в кинотеатре Sambioin Álfabakka. В наличии 300 мест.

Расположение :
Álfabakki, 109 Reykjavík
Расположение на карте, нажмите здесь

«Энканто» Диснея на украинском языке — День кино, 1 июня Читать дальше »

The Babushkas of Chernobyl


In the radioactive Dead Zone surrounding Chernobyl’s Reactor No. 4, a defiant community of women scratches out an existence on some of the most toxic land on Earth. They share this hauntingly beautiful but lethal landscape with an assortment of interlopers—scientists, soldiers, and even ‘stalkers’—young thrill-seekers who sneak in to pursue post-apocalyptic video game-inspired fantasies. Why the film’s central characters, Hanna Zavorotyna, Maria Shovkuta, and Valentyna Ivanivna, chose to return after the disaster, defying the authorities and endangering their health, is a remarkable tale about the pull of home, the healing power of shaping one’s destiny and the subjective nature of risk.

In 1986, Chornobyl became the site of the greatest nuclear accident in history. An area the size of Luxemburg was contaminated and closed off, but in the years following, some of the residents returned to the exclusion zone and made it their home. At the end of February, Chornobyl again made headlines around the world when it was invaded by a Russian occupying force. The Russians are no longer there but now, at the 36th anniversary of the accident, it is time to look back at the tragic history of Chornobyl.

The programme is as follows:

  • 19.00 – Gunnar Þorri Pétursson, one of Iceland’s leading translators, will discuss and read from his translation of The Chernobyl Prayer by Nobel Prize winning author Svetlana Alexeivich.
  • 19.15 – Writer and historian Valur Gunnarsson will discuss developments in the exclusion zone after the accident and read from his best-selling book Bjarmalönd, written in Ukraine in 2020.
  • 19.30 – Screening of The Babushkas of Chornobyl.

The Babushkas of Chernobyl Читать дальше »

Ukrainian Film Days


Join us for the fourth screening of Ukrainian cinematography masterpieces.
Since the Russian invasion on February 24, Mariupol has faced constant shelling leading to a humanitarian catastrophe. At the moment the city is besieged for over two weeks. The Russian troops do not allow humanitarian convoys into the besieged city, leaving about 300 000 civilians, around 3000 of whom are newborn babies, without food and medicine. At the time of writing, almost 20 000 civilians have been killed.
“Mariupol, I love you” from Takflix shows life in the city before the invasion. It consists of 4 short films made by Mariupol locals in 2017-2021. They are stories of everyday life, dreams, and relationships and how they were influenced by the first phase of the war in 2014.
In “Me and Mariupol” a Donetsk-born director Piotr Armianovski is talking to people in search of the Mariupol he remembers from his childhood. “Ma” by Maria Stoianova is a conversation between a mother and daughter created from amateur phone footage in the face of war. “Territory of empty windows” and “Diorama” by Mariupol-born Zoya Laktionova explore how the war has changed the face of the city.
The films are in Ukrainian and Russian, with English subtitles.
The event is organized by Support Ukraine Iceland in collaboration with Takflix and the University of Iceland.
Admission is free of charge and your donations are welcome. All raised funds will be donated directly to the Mariupol City Council.
The screening will take place in Veröld – the house of Vidgís (University of Iceland), auditorium VHV-023.
Please arrive before 19:00 to enter the building (the doors are locked from 19:00).

Ukrainian Film Days Читать дальше »

Protest meeting


Mannréttindi, líf barna, kvenna og karla, fullveldi landa. Þetta eru gildi sem við höfum og höldum áfram að sýna stuðning við. Þessi gildi í meira en mánuð hafa verið grafin undan hrottalega í Úkraínu. Hittumst aftur í Hallgrímskirkju og göngum niður að Tungötu 24 á sunnudaginn, til stuðnings og samstöðu Úkraínu og mótmælum harðræði.

Protest meeting Читать дальше »


MIÐVIKUDAGUR 6. APRÍL 2022 KL. 14:00 – 22:00

Artists4Ukraine snúa aftur til Bíó Paradis í samvinnu við MaGiKa Films til að sýna Ivan’s Land eftir Andrii Lysetskyi.
Kvikmyndir hefjast klukkan 19:00 og uppboð á þöglum myndlist stendur yfir frá 14-20.00 og eftir það tekur uppboðshaldari okkar lokatilboðum.
Hægt er að sjá listamenn sem taka þátt í uppboðinu á artists4ukraine.com og ef þú ert listamaður sem vill taka þátt í þessu uppboði, þá erum við alltaf opnir fyrir innsendingar, fylltu bara út eyðublaðið á vefsíðunni okkar!
Hægt er að kaupa miða á myndina bæði á sínum stað og í gegnum artists4ukraine.com/program
Byrjunarmiðaverð er 1600 kr en alltaf er hægt að gefa meira!

100% af miðasölu fer á DOCU/HELP https://docudays.ua/eng/help/
Teymi Docudays frjálsra félagasamtaka og Docudays UA hátíðarinnar er að safna fé til ýmissa þátta stuðnings. Við höfum stofnað DOCU/HELP styrktarsjóð fyrir úkraínska kvikmyndagerðarmenn og hátíðarteymið til að segja heiminum frá glæpum Rússlands í Úkraínu, styðja þá sem eru að skrásetja þessa glæpi og halda áfram að kynna heiminn fyrir nútíma úkraínskri menningu.


Kids for Ukraine – Krakkar fyrir Úkraínu

LAUGARDAGUR 2. APRÍL 2022 KL. 14:30 – 16:30

IYC (Intercultural Youth Center) í sameiningu við modurmal býður þér að taka þátt í fjáröflun fyrir börn í Úkraínu. Boðið verður upp á barnatónleika einstakra leikja en einnig munu börn selja smákökur, kökur og annað hannað og gert af þeim. Það verða borðspil og margt fleira!

Kids for Ukraine – Krakkar fyrir Úkraínu Читать дальше »