
Exhibition of Ukrainian photographers at Núllið gallerý

Núllið gallerý in Reykjavik this week hosts an exhibition of four young Ukrainian photographers reflecting on the war in Ukraine.
Yesterday’s peace in Ukraine was replaced by war today. Ukrainian artists Polina Polikarpova, Lisa Bukreyeva, Roman Pashkovskiy and Konstantin Chernichkin exhibit their photographs of years 2012 – 2022 to show this abrupt and scarying change. All the four (like any other Ukrainian) believing in tomorrow’s victory.
Opening hours:
  • Thursday 16:00 – 21:00
  • Friday 16:00 – 21:00
  • Saturday 13:00 – 21:00
  • Sunday 13:00 – 21:00
Free entrance

Exhibition of Ukrainian photographers at Núllið gallerý Read More »

Solidarity Day with Ukraine in Harpa Concert Hall

Today, March 24, Harpa Concert Hall is holding a series of events in solidarity with Ukraine.

From 16:30 to 18:00 there will be a special reception and program for Ukrainian families that includes:

Free play and introduction to Hljóðhimnar, a brand new place for children and their families to discover the magical world of sound and tones.

A visit to Circuleight, an innovative installation that features designs and real-time interactive visuals inspired by Icelandic nature and original music by renowned Icelandic composer Högni Egilsson.

A musical workshop with musician Sóley.

A short children’s concert with award-winning Duo Stemma and Maximus Múíkus, the concert hall’s mascot.

After that special program there will be further events open to all:

  • 18:00—18:20 Mikolaj Ólafur Frach, pianist performs Sónata in B minor Op. 35 by Chopin.
  • 18:20—18:40 Violetta: Alexandra Chernyshova, soprano and Rúnar Þór Guðmundsson, tenor perform a singing program together with pianist Helgi Már Hannesson.
  • 18:40—19:00 The Iceland Symphony Orchestra’s wind band plays pearls of the day.
  • 19:00—19:20 The Icelandic Opera: Nathalía Druzin Halldórsdóttir mezzo-soprano and Elena Postumi pianist.

This event is suitable for all ages and there’s no need for registration. A bus will be provided from Hafnarfjörður if there is interest but Harpa is only a 10-minute walk from Rauðará.

The meeting point for families is by the ticket sales in the ground floor lobby.

Solidarity Day with Ukraine in Harpa Concert Hall Read More »

Climbing event for kids, 7 years and older – March 24th

Children from 7 years old are invited to a lesson at the climbing wall. Around 11:20 the driver will arrive in Hafnarfjörður at the Vellir hotel, around 11:45 at Foss Rauðará. The lesson will last an hour, then the children will be taken back to the hotels. Limited number of seats. Those who wish to join the trip, send a message with the name of the child and the name of your hotel in telegram/sms to Anastasia +3546993550

Climbing event for kids, 7 years and older – March 24th Read More »

Handcrafts market in Kringlan – 19.03

Welcome to the handcrafts market in Kringlan to support Ukraine. The market will be open on the first floor in front of Vera Moda. Among the items on sale are jewelry, paintings, postcards, and Ukrainian snacks. All proceeds from the sale will go to charities in Ukraine.
The market is open from 11 till 17 on Saturday and from 13 till 17 on Sunday.

Handcrafts market in Kringlan – 19.03 Read More »

Styrkartónleikar í Bústaðakirkju 20.3 kl. 13:00

Þjóðsöngur Úkraínu mun óma ásamt miskunnarbæn, bæn Bortnyanski og fleiri tónlistarperlur. Séra María Guðrúnar Ágústsdóttir mun leiða stundina með prestum og starfsfólki Bústaðarkirkju og Grensáskirkju, sem og fulltrúum úr samstarfsnefnd kristinna trúfélaga.

Fram koma Alexandra Shernyshova, Gréta Hergils Valdimarsdóttir, Guðmundur Pétursson, Ragnheiður Gröndal, Jóhann Friðgeir Valdimarsson, Kammerkór Bústaðarkirkju undir stjórn Jónasar Þóris, Matthías Stefánsson, Sigríður Hjámtýsdóttir (Diddú)

Styrkartónleikar í Bústaðakirkju 20.3 kl. 13:00 Read More »

Rey-Kyiv-ík – 16.03.2022 19:30 @ Húrra!

ReyKYIVík is a Charity event aiming to raise funds towards the humanitarian crisis caused by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, resulting in the displacement of millions of people.Doors open at 19:30 and first act (Salóme Katrín) begins at 20:00.
The recommended donation is 1500 Kr. But everyone can pay what they can/want.The proceeds from the donations at the door will be given in full to Flottafólk.

Ukrainian Refugee Center In Iceland
FlottaFólk provides assistance to Ukrainian citizens on their way to Iceland. We work in close relations with organizations at every European border of Ukraine. We help guide refugees at every step from your current location and onwards, until and after they arrive in Iceland.

Profits made from the T-shirt sale will go towards UNICEF’s appeal for Ukrainian children. UNICEF kallar eftir tafarlausu vopnahléi í Úkraínu og krefst þess að virtar séu alþjóðlegar skuldbindingar um að vernda börn og tryggja mannúðarstofnunum öruggt aðgengi að börnum í neyð. UNICEF krefst þess að stríðandi fylkingar grípi alls ekki til árása á mikilvæga innviði sem börn og saklausir borgarar reiða sig á. Hvort heldur sem um er að ræða vatnsveitur, heilbrigðisstofnanir eða skóla.
Sýnum íbúum Úkraínu að þau eru ekki ein. UNICEF á Íslandi hefur hafið neyðarsöfnun vegna umfangsmikilla verkefna UNICEF, Barnahjálpar Sameinuðu þjóðanna, í Úkraínu þar sem börn og fjölskyldur þurfa tafarlausa aðstoð. Vopnuð átök ógna nú lífi og velferð milljóna barna.UNICEF hefur um árabil verið að störfum á ófriðartímum í austurhluta Úkraínu og er á vettvangi að tryggja hreint vatn, heilbrigðisþjónustu, skólagögn, menntun, félagslega sálfræðiþjónustu og fjárhagsaðstoð.

UNICEF calls for an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine and demands that international commitments be made to protect children and ensure humanitarian institutions safe access to children in need. UNICEF demands that warring factions do not at all attack important infrastructure on which children and innocent citizens rely. Whether it is water utilities, healthcare facilities or schools.
Let us show the people of Ukraine that they are not alone. UNICEF in Iceland has launched an emergency fundraiser for UNICEF’s extensive work in the United Nations, in which children and families need immediate assistance. Armed conflict now threatens the lives and well-being of millions of children. UNICEF has been active in years of war in the eastern part of Ukraine, providing clean water, health care, schooling, education, social psychological services and financial assistance.

Rey-Kyiv-ík – 16.03.2022 19:30 @ Húrra! Read More »

March of solidarity with Ukraine – Sunday 13.03

For 2.5 weeks, brave Ukraine has been resisting the aggression of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Despite superior forces, the Russian army has so far failed to capture Kyiv and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Iceland supports the Ukrainian people by sending humanitarian aid and welcoming refugees. On Sunday we meet at 13:00 to march from Skólavörðustígur 45 through the center of Reykjavik to the Russian Embassy at Túngata 24, where the rally will take place. Russians and Ukrainians living in Iceland, as well as representatives of other countries, will speak at the rally. They will share their ideas on how to help Ukraine, their experiences and the latest news from the war.

March of solidarity with Ukraine – Sunday 13.03 Read More »

Charity market – Sunday 13.03

This Sunday, March 13, there will be a charity ART market where all profits will go to support the Ukrainian people.

The event is open to anyone who wants to support the Ukrainian people and hear discussions about the state of affairs in Ukraine today.

A discussion panel will be offered with Icelandic political scientists, historians, and people with direct experience of Putin’s rule.

We invite artists, craftsmen, designers, chefs, and EVERYONE who wants to participate.

Charity market – Sunday 13.03 Read More »